Monday, August 11, 2008

Offically a 30-something

The week up to my 31st was depressing. I been back from my master adventure for over a month, started a new job, and had reconnected with friends and family aplenty. I had no right to be mopey. However something about passing from 30 to 31 felt odd...I couldn't shake the feeling that my fun was over and I needed to become a responsible adult. I panicked that I had one week to get my act in gear and act according to the number on my driver's license. No more gallivanting around the world, whirlwind (yet dead end) romances, or flitting from consulting gig to consulting gig. It was time to build things up. I was intent on driving sales in my new firm. Committed to focusing on yoga and triathlons instead of beer pong. I made a commitment to read my Wall Street Journal every day. No more wasted dates with unimpassioned (or the too passionate) men! And I was starting to think about real estate.

Then my 31st birthday party happened. Something about birthday parties with large groups makes us magically transform into 20 year olds at a frat party. But as I felt I had been responsible for 6 days of the week, this particular Saturday could be reserved for fun and silliness. Apparently every one else agreed with the concept as well. Bankers, start up founders, and attorneys regressed alike. In the 12 hour party marathon there were multiple embarrassing moments, and I think half the guest's livers are still screaming in pain, but it was, in all honesty, an amazingly fun day with youthful people of all ages. This is why I love San Francisco. There are no rules for when one has to do things in life.

The party itself was hosted at my friend's beautiful home. It was an all day BBQ with after parties and after after parties in the works. My big day was shared with another Leo who had a birthday two days later than I did. I at first was a bit miffed at having to share (Hey, it's the one day a year I am allowed to get full attention) but it ended up working out spectacularly. Mainly as the birthday boy was older than me and acted equally immature proving that the 30s don't have to be the deadbeat years. Perhaps I can lead a successful life and still maintain my energetic spirit?

The fun started with a dance off competition. I knew my friend's moves (mostly practiced in our Tahoe Ski House) were money. I challenged the birthday boy and his friends to compete against my crew. Immediately the competitive juices started flowing. People started doing leg warm up stretches and assigning certain people to choreography and others to break dance moves. Sadly I didn't know much break dancing but thought I could do a few impressive yoga poses....just really really fast. As I leapt into sideways crow my cousin offered to do cat-cow to a breakin' beat. Off in the other room contestants practiced 80's moves such as the Roger Rabbit, and the Lawnmower. Ali borrowed my birthday sash and performed the ever famous "lasso" routine.

Much to my dismay the rehearsals were brought to an end as the group migrated to watch a REAL 80's band play, the Human League, at a club downtown. The competition was off, but all sorts of new dance moves emerged. Some very interesting indeed. I am trying to remember why at large clubs girls always do those sexy dances together. It always seems like a brilliant idea at the time, doesn't it? But no matter. I have the rest of my life to stay home reading over powerpoints for work or Goodnight Moon to my children (umm..yet unborn). My 31st was meant to prove that no matter how much success I lust after in real life, it's okay to let loose and have some fun every once in a while too.

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